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Classes and Programs

We offer year round classes for different age groups:

Ages 4-6

At Young Kings Basketball, our Ages 4-6 program focuses on introducing the basics of basketball in a fun and engaging way. We understand that this age group requires a unique approach to keep their attention and foster a love for the game. Each group consists of 6-8 players and is divided not only by age but also by skill level. This ensures personalized attention and allows each child to progress at their own pace. Our coaches use a variety of games and activities to teach fundamental skills like dribbling, shooting, and passing in a playful and supportive environment.

Ages 7-10

Our Ages 7-10 program builds on the basics and starts to introduce more structured play. At this stage, players begin to understand the importance of teamwork and strategy. Groups are kept small, with 6-8 players, and are divided by both skill and age to cater to individual needs. Training sessions focus on refining basic skills and introducing more advanced techniques such as defensive positioning and game play strategies. We aim to boost confidence and ensure that every child feels challenged and supported.

Ages 11-15

Designed for more advanced players, our Ages 11-15 program aims to refine skills and develop a deeper understanding of basketball strategy. Each small group consists of 6-8 players, divided by skill and age to optimize training effectiveness. Our sessions are intense and focused, with drills and activities that push players to improve their agility, shooting accuracy, and tactical awareness. We also emphasize the importance of sportsmanship and leadership both on and off the court, preparing our players for higher levels of competition.

Our classes welcome new students of the game at any time. We believe in fundamentals and repetition. No matter what is your skill level and athletic ability, our coaches will find the correct approach for your child, and put them in the right group for equal and productive development.

Each age group has 2 coaches and kids are divided not only by age but size and skill as well. We strongly believe in our motto, which is "Quality and Consistency". We follow the 1/8 coach to player ratio. Any age group that has 14 kids, would be divided into 2 smaller groups (6 and 8 players per coach accordingly).

Travel Teams!

The flagman of our Basketball program are the travel teams. We are very proud of them and the work that coaches put in with the kids. This teams also train and play year round!

All our travel teams practice twice a week for 90 min, indoors and using the full court. Teams are divided by grades and only selected players are invited to join the team. Every player goes through an evaluation process prior joining the team.

Games are scheduled twice a month (every other weekend). The schedule is sent 2-3 months in advance so parents are able to schedule family weekends and enjoy this time off.


Each travel team at Young Kings Basketball has its own dedicated group chat for easy communication and updates. This allows coaches, players, and parents to stay connected and informed about practice times, game schedules, and any changes. Additionally, all schedules for practices and games can be accessed through our dedicated app, ensuring everyone stays up-to-date and organized.

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Want to participate in your local community? Become a  sponsor for Young Kings Basketball and support youth in your area.